MOU between OneSource AS and SCB Completion Pte.Ltd.

SCB Completion Pte.Ltd and OneSource Pte.Ltd. are pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate in strengthing the business and provision of Preservation services for the oil and gas clients in Brunei Darussalam. The MOU establishes an agreement to jointly work together in the development of standards and solutions being advanced by both organizations.

“I am pleased to partner with OneSource AS in this MOU to further our commitment for using location to connect communities, technologies, and decision making in Brunei Darussalam,” said Kelvin Fong, SCB Completion Pte.Ltd’s Managing Director.


About OneSource AS

OneSource offers preservation as a cost-saving method during lay-ups, ensuring the continuation of SPS class, COC certificates, and reduced insurance premium during the lay-up period, and can pack equipment for shipment to all corners and climates of the world.

But used properly, preservation can also be used for extending the lifetime of industrial equipment while still in operation. OneSource has perfected these processes and offers preservation as an integral part of the maintenance services. More information can be found under the link: OneSource – Preservation & Multidisciplinary Specialists (